WordPress 3.0 Demystified – Part 2
Part II: Lookin’ Good
Yesterday in WordPress 3.0 Demystified – Part 1 we talked about the initial setup of the site, today you will review how to log in and then select a theme. One of the many benefits of using WordPress is that there are literally thousands of devotees out there who enjoy making templates. They range from the ordinary to the funky and you can spend HOURS cruising through the style choices available. Here’s one place to start: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/
Before I continue, here’s a word about the free themes: FREE. See, I promise one word. Now remember that if something is FREE, there is usually a catch. In this case, free themes are not always updated, fully functional, or easy to use. You might happen upon one that is cool and free, but was created for a senior project in a graphic design class two years ago and still includes all of its goofy bugs.
At our workshop, I installed three for you, including “Thesis” which is actually not a free theme, but a worthwhile investment. It’s flexible, sleek, and professional.
Watch today’s slides and then spend a few minutes looking through some themes to see if you like anything out there.
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The WordPress 3.0 Demystified series:
- Part 1: A Little Fairy Tale
- Part 2: Lookin’ Good
- Part 3: Whatta’ Widget!
- Part 4: Plug it in, Plug it in
- Part4A: Go (Con)figure
- Part 5: Give ’em what they asked for