If You Analyze it, They Will Come

Opening day of eMetrics in San Francisco and it’s the largest crowd ever. MPThree gets to spend all three days talking to attendees and finding out what brought them here or what keeps bringing them back.

Today, before the opening keynote address by Jim Stern, we met Rie from Denmark. She’s a first-time attendee and excited to see what she can bring back to Dyrup, the company she works for.

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Web Analytics Education: Landing Page Optimization and SEO

Landing Page Optimization is our topic today and because I always say that every page on your site should be a Landing Page, this applies to you. Oh, and your “static” home page is a poor landing page for anything other than your company name.

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. Lately we covered goals and funnels, the meat and potatoes of Web Analytic. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Web Analytics Education: Initial Account Configuration

Over 90% of the accounts I work on are not configured properly. By following the information in this video your account will be better configured than 90% of all Google Analytics Accounts.

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Twitter Chatter: An Interview with Josh Manion, the Founder and CEO of Ensighten

An Interview with Josh Manion, the Founder and CEO of Ensighten

An interview with Josh Manion, founder and CEO of Ensighten–a new company that is bringing a lot of attention to the tag management space.  In 2002, he started Stratigent and built the firm into one of the top web analytics consulting companies in the country.

Today, he is considered as one of the men to give Web Analytics a push into the market.  Hear it straight from the one who built not just mere stories, but a lifetime achievement–one that has permanently affected how we see Web Analytics today.

Web Analytics Education: Customizing Async – Part 3

Our next video gives completes the details about Asynchronous code customizing for various domains. Capturing subdomains and shopping, customizing the cookies

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Web Analytics Education: Customizing Async – Part 2

Our next video gives more details about Asynchronous code customizing for various domains. How to know if you’re changes are successful, add code to your forms for cross domain tracking, and the wizard in Google Analytics.

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Web Analytics Education: Customizing Async

This video would show you how to customize the Async tracking code for various domain scenarios.  While most websites will just use the code as it is provided from the Profile Settings section of your account, this video will show you how to track across domains you own.

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Twitter Chatter: Web Analytics Code of Ethics

The following is from Peter Rothman (@dangrsmind),  one of my regular contributors. It contains a controversial and interesting perspective for the web analytics community. We invite your comments on the matter.

In a recent blog posting at the WAA Thought Leaders blog, Eric Peterson of Web Analytics Demystified proposed a ten-point code of ethics for the web analytics community (http://waablog.webanalyticsassociation.com/2010/09/web-analytics-code-of-ethics.html)   Many in the analytics community will be supporting this idea, but the reality behind the scenes may not turn out to be so clean.

Unfortunately this effort is destined to fail.  It should be recognized that producing an industry code of ethics is an important and laudable idea.  Employing a code of ethics is not just about being a moral person (although that is also a worthwhile goal in itself): it is about making effective decisions and, in particular, effective business decisions.  Recognizing this important point is the beginning of a more robust approach to this issue of ethics as well as the path to making better business decisions.

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