Twitter Chatter: How AdWords Quality Score Impacts CPC
Do you pay attention to your quality score? Did you know that a low quality score could increase your CPC by up to 600%? Ready to pay attention now?
Secret Truth Series #8 – Don’t Overuse Broad Match
Match types are deceptively simple controls. They’re relatively easy to understand, and almost everyone takes advantage of their basic capabilities.
Clicks vs. Visits Revisited
Understanding the difference between Google Adwords Clicks and visits on your site, and reconciling them, can be frustrating. These 4 steps can help.
Two Tips for a More Profitable Google Adwords Campaign
You want to actually MAKE money, right? Then read this before setting up your Adwords campaign.
Easy statistics for AdWords A/B testing, and hamsters
Terrific primer on A/B testing. And it includes a cute hamster video as well!
Successful Copywriting for PPC Ads
Three simple hints to making the best Pay Per Click ads out there without going out an hiring a writer.
Import your Google Analytics Goals into AdWords
Installing AdWords Conversion Optimizer in order to manage your AdWords bidding and maximize results.