Twitter Chatter: How Google is going to fight spam sites in 2011
How accurate was this article from January? Has your website suffered in search engine rankings with the new, tougher guidelines Google announced to fight search engine spam?
Dealing with Findability Disaster
At some time every business owner will have to deal with an unhappy customer. That unhappiness can be heard even louder over the internet. You must know how to quickly and effectively drown out the negativity with the positive voices of your many satisfied customers.
SEO Village Idiot; The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Barry Adams is at it again and this time he’s taking aim at “witless chimps” who claim to be SEO experts and get hired by some of the biggest names in the corporate world.
HTML Sitemap for WordPress
An html sitemap can be useful for SEO. This copy and paste code can help you create a html sitemap for use with wordpress.
Intelligent Site Structure for better SEO
It is often overlooked in SEO, but the structure of your site is just as important when it comes to ranking high in the search engines.
What You Need to Know about Behavior-based Search
Do you think of a vitamin when you hear the word, hammer? I don’t either, but apparently a lot of web searchers do. Because of this it is important to understand behavior based search and how to make it work to increase your website traffic.
Read More about Twitter Chatter: What You Need to Know about Behavior-based Search
How to Evaluate Conflicting SEO Advice
Are you drowning in SEO advice? Did you know that 90% of this advice is from someone just trying to impress you with their knowledge? Chances are you just need to concentrate on the basics and block out the rest.