Web Analytics Education: Landing Page Optimization and SEO

Landing Page Optimization is our topic today and because I always say that every page on your site should be a Landing Page, this applies to you. Oh, and your “static” home page is a poor landing page for anything other than your company name.

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. Lately we covered goals and funnels, the meat and potatoes of Web Analytic. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Web Analytics Education: Identify & Optimize Poor Performing Pages – Part 2

Second installment of our practical section. How do I use all this stuff in a real life situation? We go into more details on page optimization, utilizing page value and bounce rate.

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. Lately we covered goals and funnels, the meat and potatoes of Web Analytic. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Web Analytics Education: Identify & Optimize Poor Performing Pages

New section starting today. How do I use all this stuff in a real life situation? We have an actual example! Watch and learn…

The Google Analytics series thus far has covered the basics on reports from understanding the difference between Dimensions and Metrics, through selecting a date range, a chart option, or a secondary dimension. We then covered in detail how to setup an account, create profiles, add the Async code, and lately we explored eCommerce. Lately we covered goals and funnels, the meat and potatoes of Web Analytic. See the full list below and at the bottom of every educational post.

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Twitter Chatter: Roles vs. Personas vs. Cognitive Styles in Conversion Optimization

Roles vs. Personas vs. Cognitive Styles in Conversion Optimization

Tim Ash clears out the confusion around “Roles, Personas and Cognitive Styles” to help you better optimize your pages.

  • Roles are specific classes of visitors like retail customers, prospective members, etc.
  • Personas are detailed descriptions of people used to represent important classes of visitors. They can change depending on the situation.
  • These divide people into different temperaments.